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Dear Families,

This year, we are working together to increase our school attendance and punctuality. At the end of Summer 2024, school attendance was 93.54%

(national average is around 94.5%). Around 18% of our pupils were persistent absentees (had 19+ days absent for any reason during the academic year), which is slightly more than National Average.


As a school, we offer many supportive measures to improve attendance. These staff members can support you directly with attendance:


However, our wider repertoire of support may include any of our teachers, support staff or also our behaviour, emotional and mental health support team, safeguarding team or from our SENDCo Miss Morgan.

Remember we also offer breakfast club from 7:45am and after school club until 5.15pm to support with childcare/arrival at school on time.

A reminder that gates are open between 8.40 and 8.50am. Anyone arriving after 8.50am will need to be registered in Reception by their parent/carer and will receive a late mark in the register.

In 2024-25 we will also continue to subsidise funding to ensure every child is offered a bagel on entry to school, and also fund fruit for all at breaktime. With the support of our families, together we will work together to improve attendance. Thank you for your continued support,                                                                                                                   Mrs Purshouse.


Attendance Newsletters

Attendance Newsletters
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