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School News - 12th July 2024


Summer Term 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to all of our parents who have completed the parent questionnaire. We have received the results and will use these to help shape our continual development. One of the positives is that 100% of parents have reported that their child feels safe at Goldthorn Park Primary School, great! Once fully analysed we will share these with you and publish them on our website alongside our plans on how to improve further.

Trust Olympic Week 2024

Our Elston Hall Learning Trust Olympic Week was thoroughly enjoyable last week and we even managed to complete all of our Sports' Days in between the rainy weather. The children were able to show some of the skills they have been practising and most of all enjoy engaging in sporting activities. Thank you to our families for supporting all of the children.

As well as Sports Days we also had groups of children who represented Goldthorn Park in our Trust Olympic games. Our children enjoyed competing against other Trust school teams. Year 6 competed in a Hockey tournament, Year 5 enjoyed Water Polo where we gained a Bronze medal, Year 4 rocked it on the rugby field and Year 3 brought back a gold medal in Athletics. Year 2 enjoyed field events including throwing and running whilst Year 1 showed off their gymnastics and everyone had FUN! Our children represented us well balancing their determination to succeed with good sporting values. Well done everyone who has taken part.

Out and about

Since our last newsletter we have enjoyed many enrichment activities across school including Year 1 trip to Wild Zoological, Year 6 transition days to their new schools, Year 3 trip to Safari Park and Year 6 enjoyed a special treat at Hollywood Bowl. We work hard to offer opportunities for all of our pupils to further enhance their learning with trips and visits out and about.

A particular highlight this week has been a wonderful Year 4 Violin Concert. Many parents commented on how far their children's skills had come since they first picked up the violin in September. This is a school funded project to invest in all of our children by providing a years specialist musical tuition. The children's performances have improved throughout the year and Mrs Barratt (Wolverhampton Music School) has praised the children for working so hard all year. We aim for this to continue for our new Year 4 pupils in September.

You will find your child's report has come home today, I hope you enjoy reading about your child's learning this year.

Next week we will meet our new teachers and celebrate our wonderful Year 6 pupils as they enter their final week at primary school.

Thank you to all of our families for your continued support.

Best wishes,

Mrs R. Purshouse



Staffing changes for September 2024

Every year we say goodbye to members of staff as they move on to their next challenge and we say hello to new members of staff who are ready to call Goldthorn Park Primary their new home.

Fond Farewells

This year we say goodbye to Mr Holmes (Class 12) who will be taking up a post closer to home, Miss So Jackson (Class 11) and Miss Armstrong (Class 6) who will be starting a new career as a child minder and thank them for their dedication and hard work supporting our pupils and their families. I am sure you join me in thanking them and wishing them well in their new posts.

A temporary farewell to our wonderful Miss Allen (Class 1) who will be celebrating the pitter patter of tiny feet over the Summer.

Joining the team

We welcome Mrs Brownhill and Miss Cumming who will both be teaching in Year 5 next term, Mrs Attwood who takes the Phase Leader roll for Years 3 & 4 whilst teaching in Year 4 and Miss Simonds and Miss Dale who will both be teaching in Year 2. We welcome all of these teachers to school and their new classes.



Monday 22nd July is our final INSET day and so school will be closed to pupils.


Dates for the diary:

Summer Term 2024

Monday 15th July - Nursery graduation 10:30 - 11:30

Tuesday 16th July - Year 6 end of year production 10am/ 2pm

Tuesday 16th July - Reception Beach Day

Wednesday 17th July - Year 2 to Year 3 Transition Parents Meeting 9am

Wednesday 17th July - Reception to Year 1 Transition Parents Meeting 2:30pm

Wednesday 17th July - Nursery trip to Adventure Street

Wednesday 17th July - Year 6 prom time 5:30 - 7:30

Thursday 18th July - Year 6 leavers assembly 10:30

Monday 22nd July  INSET Day school CLOSED to children.

Autumn Term 2024

Term Time: Monday 2nd September - Friday 20th December

Monday 2nd September - INSET Day school CLOSED to children.

Tuesday 3rd September - INSET Day school CLOSED to children.

Half Term Holiday Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November 2024


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