Spring Term 2025
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had a busy time filled with learning, visitors into school and visits out and about. Thank you to our parents and carers for the support we receive for these events to happen - without your financial support we would not be able to run the paid activities we do in school.
We have celebrated learning about Children's Mental Health Week 2025 where we invited our children to come to school, 'Dressed to Express', National Number Day & Goldthorn Rocks AND Internet Safety Week 2025 please see articles below. Year 4 also had the opportunity to showcase their musical ability by leading a violin concert during an assembly.
We hope that our parents and carers have benefitted from the Reception parent workshop with Soccer 2000 on how to support your child with their physical development and the Parent Online Safety workshop lead by our online specialist Patrick Flynn.
A reminder that next week is our half term break and that on Monday 24th February we have an INSET day at Goldthorn Park Primary and so the school will be closed to children.
Best wishes,
Mrs Purshouse
(Head Teacher)

Attendance remains incredibly important for us at Goldthorn Park Primary School. Our school target is for our pupils to have 96% attendance or higher for our children to excel in their learning.
Area of School | % Attendance |
Whole School | 93.67% |
Reception | 91.32% |
Year 1 | 91.70% |
Year 2 | 93.17% |
Year 3 | 93.01% |
Year 4 | 93.13% |
Year 5 | 94.14% |
Year 6 | 96.77% Well done Year 6! |
Year 1 Assembly - Chinese New Year
Thank you to all of our parents and carers who were able to join our Year 1 assembly. The children have had a fantastic time learning all about Chinese New Year. In lessons, the children discovered that this is the year of the snake and in celebration of this they did lots of singing, dancing and even had some special lines to learn! We are very proud of all of the children and all of their hard work.
Mrs Game (Year 1 Teacher)
Early Years Police visit
This week our Early Years classes had a visit from PCSO Riley who showed the children around the police van and set the noisy siren off - the children LOVED it. In lessons the children have been learning about people who help us and they were able to share their learning with PCSO Riley who was very impressed with the children's knowledge.
Miss Simpkiss (Nursery Teacher).
Goldthorn Rocks 2025

Last Friday we celebrated Goldthorn Rocks at school. The children had the opportunity to come dressed as a number or a Rock Star and in the afternoon we completed some fun Maths Activities.
As part of the celebration, two children from Year 3 took part in a Maths Competition at Elston Hall School against our five other Trust schools. They both did brilliantly and finished second out of the six schools. We are very proud.
Mr Pryce (Maths Lead)
Safeguarding - Children's Mental Health Week 2025

Last week, Goldthorn marked Children’s Mental Health Week with a celebration of the theme ‘Know Yourself, Grow yourself’. We recognised how important it is to really understand what makes us tick, our likes and dislikes, strengths, fears, hopes and dreams. Our emotions play a key role in telling us just that, and being aware of how to listen to and express our feelings is a major part of building self-awareness.
We started the week in style with ‘Dress to Express’ Day, wearing clothes that expressed a little something about ourselves. We raised £160.70 for the children’s mental health charity ‘Place to Be’, to support the excellent work they do to champion the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people across the UK.
Mr Middleton (Children's Mental Health Lead)
Wolverhampton Young Authors

We were delighted that two of our budding authors in Year 6 were invited to Wolverhampton Grammar School on Thursday 13th February 2025 for the Wolverhampton Young Authors’ event. Bryan and Priyen were chosen out of 1000 entries to attend the special event, to celebrate short stories they had written around the theme of ‘Nature’. At the event, we met the celebrated children’s author Serena Patel, writer of the ‘Anisha – Accidental Detective’ series of books. She shared her journey into becoming an author and top tips on how we might become authors ourselves!
Safeguarding Team

Safeguarding is our constant focus at Goldthorn Park Primary School. Your Safeguarding team are always available to support you with any concerns about your own or other families' children.
I am the Designated Safeguarding Lead and can help with all areas of safeguarding our children and their families. I also have a particular interest in supporting our families experiencing domestic abuse within the home. If you have any concerns around any of our children and their families please feel free to come in and speak to a member of our safeguarding team.
Family Engagement Sessions
We have been asked by City of Wolverhampton to share the following information around family engagement sessions. Sessions are free to attend and all families are welcome. To attend, please book a place using the email below.

Dates for the diary:
Autumn Term 2024 Term Time: Monday 5th September - Friday 20th December
Monday 2nd September 2024 - INSET Day school CLOSED to children
Monday 3rd September 2024 - INSET Day school CLOSED to children
Autumn Half Term - Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November 2024
Spring Term 2025 Term Time: Monday 6th January - Friday 11th April
Spring Half Term Holiday - Monday 17th February - Friday 20th February 2025
Monday 24th February 2025 - INSET Day school CLOSED to children
Tuesday 25th February - Reception height and weight check (School Nurse)
Wednesday 26th February - Reception height and weight check (School Nurse)
Friday 28th February - Martisor Celebration
Wednesday 5th March - Parent Coffee Morning - SEND focus
Thursday 6th March - Year 2 World Book Day Assembly
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day Celebration Day
Thursday 6th March - Year 2 Kingswood Parent Meeting
Monday 10th March - Friday 14th March Science Week
Friday 21st March - Year 3 Eid-ul-Fitr Assembly
Friday 21st March - Anti-Racism Day
Monday 24th March - Year 4 Humph's Histories Anglo-Saxon Day (Class 9)
Wednesday 26th March - Year 4 Humph's Histories Anglo-Saxon Day(Class 10)
Friday 28th March - Reception Mother's Day Assembly
Friday 28th March - Eid Celebration
Tuesday 1st April - Parent Workshop Reflexions - Supporting your child with tests
Tuesday 1st April - Frankly Farm visiting Nursery
Wednesday 2nd April - Parents Evening #1 4:00 - 6:00
Wednesday 2nd April - Year 1 Trip to Mosque
Thursday 3rd April - Parents Evening #2 3:30 - 5:30
Monday 7th April - Friday 11th April - Shakespeare Week
Wednesday 9th April - Lower KS2 Production 10am/ 2pm
Summer Term 2025
Term Time: Monday 26th April 2025 - Monday 21st July 2025
Half Term Holiday Monday 26th May 2025 - Friday 30th May 2025
Friday 20th June 2025 - INSET Day school CLOSED to children
Monday 21st July 2025 - INSET Day school CLOSED to children.