Summer Term 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
Healthy eating week has been a great success across school.
All year groups have completed focussed activities on making healthy food choices and how this can keep their bodies healthy as they grow.
Year 4 made a healthier version of a pizza using only self raising flour and yoghurt. They mixed their own ingredients and rolled out their own base, adding toppings of their choice. "It was so much fun", said Reggie.
As part of Healthy Eating Week 2024, Year 6 made healthy alternatives to shop bought spring rolls. Children showcased their food hygiene knowledge, slicing, peeling and grating skills to make their spring rolls. The children had great fun too and they all loved eating their finished products.
Well done to all of our Year 1 pupils and some of our Year 2 pupils who have completed their Phonics Check this week. Everyone tried their best and was able to show the wonderful progress they have made in their Phonics learning this year.
At Goldthorn Park, we are proud of our Welcome Committee. We recognize the importance of providing extra support to new students and those who are learning English for the first time, to help them feel safe, comfortable, and valued within our school community.
Next week, schools all over the UK will be observing 'Refugee Week'. As a School of Sanctuary, we take pride in fostering inclusivity and ensuring that every voice is heard. Our Welcome Committee has organised activities and will be instrumental in supporting our Refugee Week celebrations, centered around this year's theme of 'Home'.

Our Refugee Week festivities began with a cheerful rainbow-themed gathering in the playground last Friday, marking our 'Day of Welcome'.

Later this week you will receive a letter about a slight change to our school PE uniform, starting from September 2024 children will be able to come to school in their smart school PE uniform rather than getting changed in school. A reminder that PE uniform is white t-shirt, green school jumper, black shorts/ black leggings/ black joggers, black or white trainers. The only change we are making is to the colour of shorts which will change to black. Your new teachers in your new year groups will share PE days with you ahead of the start of term.
Friday 21st June is an INSET day and school will be closed to children.
Thank you all for your ongoing support.
Best wishes,
Mrs R. Purshouse
Polling Day
A reminder that the government has called a general election to be held on Thursday 4th July 2024. The City of Wolverhampton Council have identified that Goldthorn Park Primary School will be being used as Polling Station on this day and so school will be closed to pupils.
A huge thank you to Penn Rd McDonalds who have gifted 50 copies of BFG and Awesome Friendly Adventure. We will be using these across school including within our school library.
Parent View questionnaire
Goldthorn Park is rated by OFSTED as a ‘GOOD’ primary school; we always work hard to ensure that
the school continues to provide the best quality provision for your children.
Based on your responses from last year’s questionnaires we reviewed our systems for communication. We have launched our new website; all newsletters, letters and regular news feeds are accessible on the site. We use ClassDojo daily to enable staff to quickly communicate pictures and messages regarding
your children. We also use email to share letters and newsletters. We hope you have found these a
positive addition to our previous forms of communication.
Based on your comments we also reviewed our before school and afterschool club provision. Mrs
Sangar and additional staff offer a range of activities within our club which supports our working parents by extending our school day provision from 7:45am to 5:15pm and have recently moved across to
booking and paying for this provision online through the Arbor Parent Portal. I hope this has been a
positive support to our families.
Please take the time to complete the questionnaire using the link previously shared on ClassDojo and via email.

Medical updates
A reminder to parents to update school records where medical conditions are diagnosed so we can ensure the correct support is available in school. This includes asthma, epilepsy and allergies alongside other medical conditions which may require medical intervention and support.
Dates for the diary:
Summer Term 2024
Half Term Holiday Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May 2024
Monday 3rd June - Friday 7th June Year 4 MTC Week
Monday 17th June - Friday 21st June Refugee Week
Friday 21st June INSET Day school CLOSED to children.
Monday 1st July - Friday 5th July Olympic Week
Monday 1st July 10:15am - EYFS Sports Day Class 1 & Nursery AM
Monday 1st July 2:00pm - EYFS Sports Day Class 2 & Nursery PM
Tuesday 2nd July 10:00am - KS1 (Year 1 & Year 2) Sports Day
Wednesday 3rd July 10:00am - LKS2 (Year 3 & Year 4) Sports Day
Thursday 4th July - POLLING STATION - School CLOSED to children
Friday 5th July 10:00am - UKS2 (Year 5 & Year 6) Sports Day
Tuesday 16th July - Year 6 end of year production 10am/ 2pm
Wednesday 17th July - Year 6 prom time TBC
Thursday 18th July - Year 6 leavers assembly
Monday 22nd July INSET Day school CLOSED to children.
Autumn Term 2024
Term Time: Monday 2nd September - Friday 20th December
Monday 2nd September - INSET Day school CLOSED to children.
Tuesday 3rd September - INSET Day school CLOSED to children.
Half Term Holiday Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November 2024