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School Policies

Please find below links to our

School policies.

Click on a document to view a policy.


Most of our policies are Trust ones and can be found on the Elston Hall Learning Trust page

  • Accessibility Policy

  • Admissions

  • Anti-Bullying Policy

  • Anti-Fraud & Corruption Policy

  • Assessment Policy

  • Attendance Policy

  • Behaviour Policy

  • Charging and Remissions Policy

  • Children with Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School

  • Code of Conduct

  • Complaints Policy

  • Conflict of Interest Policy

  • CPD Policy

  • Data Protection Policy

  • Designated Teacher for LAC Policy

  • ECT Induction Policy

  • Equality Policy

  • Exclusion Policy

  • Extended Provision Policy

  • Finance Policy & Procedures

  • Fixed Asset & Depreciation Policy

  • Freedom of Information Policy

  • Gifts and Hospitality Policy

  • Governance Code of Conduct

  • Health and Safety Policy

  • Intimate Care Policy

  • Investment Policy

  • Managing Allegations Policy

  • Online Safety Policy

  • Parent Code of Conduct

  • Privacy Notice for Pupils and Parents

  • Privacy Notice for Recruitment

  • Privacy Notice for Staff and Governance

  • Pupil's Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy

  • Records Management Policy & Retention Schedule

  • Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy

  • Related Party Transactions Policy

  • Safer Recruitment Policy

  • Safeguarding Policy (Covid-19)

  • Single Central Record Policy

  • Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy

  • Teaching and Learning Policy

  • Whistleblowing Policy

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