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Welcome back to a new term and your child’s final term at Goldthorn Park before moving on to your new schools. We hope you have had a lovely Easter spending time with your families! We have a busy term ahead of us so we hope that the children are well rested and ready to show their best learning! The first weeks back will be continuing our preparations for SATs tests, this will include teaching test skills and using past test questions to develop children’s confidence in order to achieve their very best. We will also continue to focus on developing our writing skills across a range of texts including short stories, persuasive texts and letters.


SATs will take place the week beginning Monday 13th May 2024 – it is vital that children attend school this week and do not miss the tests. We will be running a breakfast club for all Year 6 children during this week starting at 8:15am in the school hall where breakfast and juice will be provided as we find this helps children to relax and prepare for the day’s tests with their friends. Below, we have listed the days that the children will undertake the tests:







After SATs, we will continue with our writing and other areas of learning including the exciting new topic, Global Warning.

Mr Rawlinson (Class 14)       Mr Pryce (Class 13)          Miss Watkiss       Mrs Warner      


Click the green label on the post to see more news


 Curriculum Overview

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